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BscScan is a blockchain explorer for Binance Smart Chain (now BNB Chain) by the same team behind Etherscan. Through the platform, you can track transactions, verify smart contracts, and other features. The platform has a similar appearance to EtherScan, the first Ethereum-only blockchain explorer.

The main features of BscScan are tracking transactions and searching for wallet addresses in the blockchain of the BNB Chain. With the same interface as EtherScan, using BscScan is very easy because its various features are easily accessible. Additionally, the advantage of the platform is you can use it to search for crypto on the BNB Chain, look up transaction fees, and view various blockchain statistics.

The platform can perform many functions as needed. Ordinary users can use BscScan to search for their transactions, blockchain researchers can use it to pull various data, and you can also perform fundamental analysis on this platform.

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