You can receive Rupiah Token (IDRT) from various blockchain networks. Pintu will convert IDRT into Rupiah balance in your wallet automatically.
Follow these three simple steps to receive IDRT in Pintu:
Click the receive Rupiah button on the Rupiah card on the home page or on the Rupiah wallet in the wallet menu.
Select the same blockchain network used by the sender:
WARNING: Selecting a different blockchain from the one sender used will result in the IDRT being sent being permanently lost.
We will display a wallet address (in a unique alphanumeric number of up to dozens of characters) that you can copy and send to the sender.
We also provide a wallet address in the form of a QR code so that the sender can scan it easily.
We will notify you if you have received funds in your wallet.
*) Note:
Make sure the sender provides MEMO if you receive IDRT from Binance Chain (IDRTB,BEP-2). This MEMO is important so that Pintu knows that the transaction was addressed to you. The IDRTB sent without MEMO will be lost permanently.