How to deposit via BCA transfers?

BCA mobile

  1. Open the BCA mobile app on your phone.
  2. Tap m-BCA, input the 6-digit access code.
  3. Tap “m-Transfer” on the homepage.
  4. Tap the “Antar Rekening”option below the “Transfer” menu.
  5. If Pintu’s BCA account number hasn’t been registered on your BCA mobile account, go to the “Antar Rekening” option below the “Daftar Transfer” menu.
  6. Input the transfer amount as shown on Pintu app and make sure to include the unique code (last 3 digits).
  7. Input your PIN to confirm transfer.


  1. At ATM BCA, input the debit card into the ATM machine and then input your PIN.
  2. Tap “Others” option, then choose “Transfer”.
  3. Tap “BCA Account”, then input Pintu’s BCA account number which is shown above.
  4. Input the transfer amount as shown on Pintu app and make sure to include the unique code (last 3 digits).
  5. Choose “OK” or “YES” to confirm your transfer.


For the deposit method via BCA transfer, the account holder’s name must match the user’s name provided during KYC (Account Verification)

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